Employee Relations

20 Questions to Start With in Employee Relations Investigations

Your employee relations investigations have to be thorough. Use these 20 questions to get the most information and make educated decisions with LaborSoft.

employee relations investigations

Are you preparing to launch an employee relations investigation? Whether there’s been an altercation between co-workers, someone has filed a claim regarding racial profiling, harassment, sexism, or you’re experiencing another complication in the workforce, you may feel that you have your work cut out for you. The process for an investigation can be complex, but with the right questions, you can collect the information you need to keep everything on track. 

What kinds of questions should you ask during your investigation? Here is a collection of 20 questions that can help you set a baseline and be comprehensive with your employee investigation process.

Employee Relations Investigation Questions

As a part of employee relations and investigations best practices, ask at least some (or all) of these questions during an investigation to get the full story.

  1. Can you explain what happened in your own words?
  2. When did this incident take place?
  3. Where did this incident take place?
  4. Was there anyone else present, and who?
  5. Have you attempted to resolve the problem with the other party?
  6. Have you talked about this incident with anyone else? If so, who?
  7. Can you provide evidence or supporting documentation about this incident?
  8. Are there other incidents that might be related or relevant to this situation?
  9. Did anyone make a comment to you that could be perceived as discriminatory, retaliatory, or harassing?
  10. Do you believe you've been treated fairly or are being treated fairly during the investigation process?
  11. Is there any additional information you'd like to share about this incident?
  12. Do you have any fears or concerns about the investigation or actions that you think may be taken?
  13. Is there anything you think you could have done differently to prevent the incident?
  14. How have you been affected personally and professionally due to the incident?
  15. Do you feel comfortable reporting the incident to HR or your supervisor/manager? If not, why not?
  16. Which specific actions or statements were made that made you feel uncomfortable or unsafe?
  17. Have you gone through similar incidents previously?
  18. Was there anything you did that contributed to this incident?
  19. Can you describe conversations you had with individuals before or after the incident?
  20. Did you follow all company policies during the incident, and if not, why?

By asking these questions, you'll get a good understanding of what happened and get the employee relations investigation process started on the right foot. Remember that these are just some of the questions to consider as you learn how to conduct an employee relations investigation. Other inquiries will be necessary based on the specifics of your employee situation.

Get Support for Employee Relations Management and Employee Investigations

At LaborSoft, we believe in performing quality employee investigations to make sure you have all the information you need to make decisions. Whether you're investigating workplace harassment, racial issues, or other HR issues, having the right software is a must. Fortunately, our software at LaborSoft is an all-in-one solution that lets you perform investigations, track them, and follow up on grievances as they occur.

Ready to learn more about how to make the most out of your HR investigation? Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to conduct an efficient and thorough employee investigation process. If you’re in need of software to help facilitate your process, don’t hesitate to contact us today.

Download 5 Digital Behaviors to Monitor During an Employee Investigation

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